F3@Masada College
F3 spoke at the careers day at Masada College. We enjoyed talking to the year 10-12 students about careers in finance, university and post grad courses as well as tips and tricks to get ahead in career in finance.
F3@Loreto Normanhurst
CFA Sydney Society’s Louise Baker and F3’s Camilla Love did an introduction to Investing session with 170 Loreto Normanhurst year 10s. Aiming to inspire the girls to take a hold of their financial future.
F3@Montgrove College
What a lovely thank you note to F3's Eva Alexandratos from the team at Montgrove College. Eva was at the girls school in Sydney's Orchard Hills talking to years 10-12 over lunch about a career in finance and her 15 year in finance industry and why she's still loves it!
F3@NSGHS September 2017
F3@North sydney girls high school
So much talent on display at North Sydney Girls High School when F3 went out there to chat to the girls in years 10-12 about careers in finance, university degrees and HSC subjects. We had so much fun and had lots of fabulous questions coming from the girls super interested in markets, shares and the movement of capital. Thanks to Tea Starr, Tanya Wong, Jessye Lin and Natasha McLeod for sharing their experiences.
F3@banking on women Uni Melbourne
Thanks to all the BOW team from the University of Melbourne Business School for hosting me as part of your Women in Finance evening. I spoke about my journey, the importance of finding your values in the place you work as well as some career tips and tricks. I met some very talented and engaged individuals who are keen to get involved in the finance industry. I'm so excited for the next generation!
F3@Loreto Kirribilli
Thanks to the girls, teachers and parents from Loreto Kirribilli and Monte for having such a ball with Mandy Gooch, Lucy McDonald, Lucinda McCann, Lucie Garling and I telling you about our journey into the finance industry and our quest for lifelong learning. It was great to discuss HSC subjects and university courses and, of course, the importance of maths.
Thanks to the AGSM@UNSW Women in Leadership group for having F3. We discussed the opportunities in finance, how to pivot your career to find a place in finance and what roles are on offer. What a great evening. Thanks to Alice Tang, Emily Smith and Louise Walsh for being inspiring panelists.