Why economics enabled me to escape my parents!

I studied economics at school initially to escape being taught by my parents! (My parents were both teachers at my school and between them they covered most other elements of the core curriculum - but not economics). But as time went on, I discovered that economics can be fun and plays a role in all areas of our lives. For example, economic analysis can determine the price we pay for goods and services, terms of international trade or even explain how we behave through the study of behavioural finance. You only need to read Freakonomics by Steven Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner and you’ll be hooked!

After completing a Bachelor of Economics, I embarked on a career in asset management which has empowered me to work and travel all over the world. Growing up in Hobart, Tasmania, the idea of living in Melbourne, Sydney and London or going on business trips across Europe and the USA seemed like a dream. My career has also sparked a passion for superannuation and a want to contribute to an industry that can make a difference, helping people have a more secure retirement. Like F3, I also advocate for diversity and for women to join the finance industry. In my experience it's a dynamic and flexible place to work. I'm constantly pushing the boundaries and solving new problems creatively. In asset management, there is never a dull day!

Cassandra Crowe, Research Manager, NAB; Director, CFA Society of Sydney

Where finance and creativity intersect

I left high school to study in a creative area (costume production) but quickly realised that making my creative passion my full time job ruined the fun in it. I decided to study a business degree and was drawn to finance because I knew that there were a large breadth of opportunities. Among other things, I have now ended up designing an investment product that invests in impactful companies that are solving the worlds problems. I've managed to use my skills to become a board member of the Australian Ballet Ambassador program. I now feel like I'm contributing to something big at work and get to use my skills to engage in my creative passions outside of work. I feel like I live a very well rounded and interesting life and I am so glad that I went down this path.

Jodi Pettersen, Head of Marketing & Client Relationships, 8IP 

From Russia with Love

It may sound boring but working in finance became my dream when I was about 14 years old. It was an exciting time in Russia (I am originally from Russia), post-Perestroika and I saw how the country was changing and a big part of it was the evolving financial industry (pretty much non-existent in its pure form during the communism era). I found it exciting to learn how the banking system had to change and evolve to serve the new nation’s needs, how the financial sector had to break free from the government control and I decided that I am going to study finance because it was clear to me that it is one of the main building blocks of our life. I studied Banking & Finance at the university and after starting my career as a currency trader working for a private bank I soon realised that finance is a very diverse area and there is a lot to choose from. It is an exciting industry to work in and it offers unlimited opportunities for professional (and personal) development in various areas. I now work as a senior consultant for a global consulting company in Australia providing services to our clients (ie super funds, industry funds, endowments, charities, wealth management businesses, etc) and the idea of helping them to achieve better outcomes for their members makes my job very exciting and fulfilling. 

Dania Zinurova, Director of Manager Research, Australia, WillisTowersWatson

Louise's journey

A career in finance presents a great opportunity to work on challenging assignments, to work abroad, gain financial independence and a rich tapestry of sectors to establish a long career. I have been able to work across the capital spectrum, from equity capital markets, equity research sales, funds management and alternative investments e.g. hedge funds. This has provided a great opportunity to manage the many variations of client relationships who partner with these segments. My experience in finance has equipped me with a diverse and influential global network of colleagues, mentors and friends, who I continue to learn from.

Louise Watson, Head of Australia/NZ, CQS

Sally's passion for superannuation

In my job running the peak business organisation for Australia’s massive financial services sector, I am passionate about many issues, but close to the top is tackling the gender wealth gap, and how to get more women into careers in financial services. I would love to see schools encouraging girls to run money in the same way they encourage girls to be engineers and doctors. When it comes to the gender wealth gap, I  have been publicly honest about my own mistakes. I did not engage early enough with super, I don’t have enough. The upside is that I’m now a warrior to ensure history doesn’t repeat. The FSC started #SavingGirls to draw attention to the fact that girls who save, whether through a savings account, investing in a managed fund or contributing more to super, become financially secure, independent women.

Sally Loane, CEO, FSC

How I was encouraged into find out more about Finance...

I was inspired to get into finance through my godfather. Growing up, he always lived overseas - Japan and the US, mainly. He came home to Australia, generally over summer, and always under much fanfare, with my mum and dad and their friends eager to understand what he had been up to. Most people didn't know what he did, but everyone knew he was in the financial services industry.

To me, as a young woman at school, he was always an international man of mystery; A person telling wonderful, endearing and enthusiastic stories of big deals, of places he had been to and people he had met. He always sounded like he had great time with lots of learning, changing markets and no day ever been the same. I was super eager to find out for myself one day. 

So when I decided to go to uni, I knew what I wanted to explore: it was financial services. And over 20 years later, I now know why he had a great time. I too have done much exploring across the globe, never having one day similar to the next. I look forward to the next 20 years in this interesting and forever on the move industry. 

C xx