Pomodoro: Time-Management Tips

Most days, it seems that time is not on our side. It flies past like light, it slips through our fingers like sand. We try to win against time when completing projects, writing assignments, cramming for exams. Is there any hope of overcoming the threat of time-pressure? Of course! Why not give the Pomodoro process a try?


The Pomodoro process consists of a few simple steps:

  1. Choose a task you need to complete

  2. For 25 minutes (this interval is called the Pomodoro), give this task your full, undivided attention

  3. After the Pomodoro, take a short break (5-10 minutes) and do something not work-related

  4. After the break, come back to the task for another Pomodoro for 25 minutes

  5. Every 4 Pomodoros, take a longer break (20-30 minutes)

First, you might be wondering, why is it called a Pomodoro? This name actually stems from a very yummy household food: the tomato. Pomodoro is the Italian word for tomato, and the technique we’re talking about today is named after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer that Francesco Cirillo, the founder of this technique, used as a university student!


Why does the Pomodoro method work? Because of several important advantages:

  • It allows you to focus intently on a task, uninterrupted, for 25 minutes. This concentration is crucial for tackling important tasks, and helps improve your accuracy as well as efficiency. You won’t be distracted by a constant stream of chat notifications or emails, you will be focusing solely on your task at hand.

  • It breaks time up into sizeable chunks, so that you’re not sitting at your desk trying to solve a problem for hours on end. 25 minutes is short enough so that you won’t miss an important message or email by not checking your phone, but also long enough to think properly about a problem. Giving yourself breaks in between also gives your mind a breather so that you can come back refreshed for the next Pomodoro.

  • Breaking up time also forces you to learn how to break up complex tasks. This is a key skill which will serve you well in your studies and career. By splitting tasks up into simpler goals to reach during every Pomodoro, you not only understand the task better but also improve your organisation skills. This helps you to create a nice timetable that reduces bottlenecks and time-pressure.


After each Pomodoro, it also helps to record the tasks you completed in a list, which adds to your sense of accomplishment and helps you keep track of your progress! Give it a try and let us know how you go!