3 things to make your first day of work fab

Starting a new job? Excited yet nervous about your first day? The first time you walk into an office or meet your new colleagues can be daunting, but there are steps you could take to calm those nerves and prevent any mishaps. In this article we’ll go over 3 things that can help to make your first day of work fabulous!


1. Be prepared

Preparing well is key to any new role. This involves finding out more about what the company does, what types of work you’ll be required to do, and how you will interact with your colleagues and manager. If you know that you’ll be working a lot with data, make sure you brush up on the quantitative skills you learnt at university. This helps you avoid being thrown in the deep end, and can comfortably get started on any tasks assigned to you.


2. Be open

While being prepared will establish some degree of certainty into your first day, it is important to also be open. You may have formed a certain image of your new role and work, for example expecting there to be a lot of client interactions and meetings, but it could be the case that your everyday task involves more of sitting in front of your desk and reading reports or crunching data. Being open about how your first day could turn out will help you be more adaptable and resilient, and tackle any task with a positive mindset. Additionally, don’t fear trying something you haven’t done before or step out of your comfort zone, as this is the path to growth and development.


3. Be social

While you are there to work, you’re also there to interact with your colleagues! Most people will tell you that the people they work with are the best parts of their work, and for many occupations you might even spend more time with people at work than people at home during the weekday. Establishing strong relationships with your colleagues are therefore critical to ensuring you thrive at work and collaborate well in team projects. On your first day, introduce yourself to your desk neighbours, try to learn everyone’s names, and join the team for lunch or coffee catch-ups. If there are other new-starters, why not also take the initiative to organise a meet-up to get to know each other better?


Hopefully that provides you with some tips to make your first day of work go smoothly and fantastically! Good luck in your new role!