Mastering the Art of Managing Up: Your Key to Workplace Success

In your professional journey, you've likely come across the concept of "managing up." However, understanding and mastering this skill is more than just a workplace strategy; it's an essential aspect of your career development. Managing up isn't about flattering your superiors or playing office politics; instead, it's a strategic approach to building a productive and mutually beneficial relationship with your boss or supervisors. Here, we delve into why mastering this skill is crucial, the risks of neglecting it, and effective strategies to incorporate it into your daily work life.

The Essence and Importance of Managing Up

At its core, managing up is about understanding and effectively managing your relationship with those above you in the workplace hierarchy. This involves comprehending their goals, preferences, working style, and adapting your work approach accordingly. For you, mastering managing up means aligning your efforts to support your manager's objectives, which in turn, enhances your value and contribution to the organization. It's about fostering a relationship where expectations are clear, communication is open, and your role and contributions are recognized and appreciated.

Frameworks to Guide Your Managing Up Strategy

  1. Active Listening: This is a crucial component of managing up. It involves giving your full attention to your manager, not just hearing their words but also understanding the context and subtext. Active listening ensures that you accurately grasp their expectations, feedback, and nuances in communication.

  2. Emotional Intelligence (EI): EI is pivotal in understanding and navigating the emotional dynamics of the workplace. It helps you gauge your manager's mood, preferences, and communication style, allowing you to respond in the most effective and appropriate manner.

  3. The Feedback Loop: This involves seeking and acting on feedback. Regular feedback helps you stay aligned with your manager's expectations and demonstrates your commitment to personal and professional growth.

Consequences of Overlooking the Art of Managing Up

Neglecting the skill of managing up can lead to misalignments with your team's goals and your manager's vision. This disconnect can manifest as missed opportunities, underappreciated efforts, or even direct conflict with your superiors. In extreme cases, it can hinder your career progression, lead to job dissatisfaction, or even result in your talents being underutilized.

Why is Managing Up Critical in Your Professional Life?

  1. Alignment with Organisational Goals: Effective managing up ensures that your work is directly contributing to the broader objectives of your organization, enhancing the impact and visibility of your contributions.

  2. Improved Communication and Understanding: It fosters a deeper understanding and open communication with your manager, leading to more effective collaboration and support.

  3. Career Advancement: Demonstrating your ability to effectively manage up can position you as a proactive, engaged, and adaptable professional, traits that are often recognized and rewarded in career progression.

Practical Ways to Practice Managing Up in Your Everyday Work

  1. Understanding Your Manager’s Goals and Challenges: Take the time to understand what drives your manager, their goals, and the challenges they face. This understanding will guide you in how best to support and complement their efforts.

  2. Regular Check-Ins and Updates: Proactively schedule regular meetings or updates with your manager. This not only keeps you on their radar but also ensures you are constantly aligned with their expectations.

  3. Show Initiative and Leadership: Volunteer for projects or roles that align with your manager’s priorities. This not only shows initiative but also positions you as a key player in achieving team objectives.

  4. Flexibility and Adaptability: Be adaptable in your work approach. The ability to adjust to changing priorities or strategies is a key aspect of managing up effectively.

  5. Develop a Solutions-Oriented Approach: When approaching your manager with problems or challenges, also bring potential solutions. This approach demonstrates your problem-solving skills and proactive mindset.


Mastering the art of managing up is an invaluable skill that goes a long way in ensuring your success and satisfaction in the workplace. It involves understanding and aligning with your manager's goals, effectively communicating, and being proactive in your role. By honing these skills, you not only enhance your working relationship with your superiors but also pave the way for significant growth and advancement in your professional journey. Remember, managing up is not about manipulation; it's about creating a positive, productive, and mutually beneficial work environment.