Effective studying during COVID-19

Feeling demotivated? Not sure how to study in lockdown? Studying during COVID-19 doesn’t have to be hard, and here are some tips to help you get on top of your studies!


1.     Create a routine

Without the usual daily commute and morning lectures, setting a routine is particularly helpful in lockdown, so that you don’t stay up all night watching videos and waking up 5 minutes before class! Writing down exactly when you get up, when you study, and when you take time off will help your body establish a healthy habit. By planning out your day in advance, this takes away some of the stress of not knowing what to do. Make sure to also balance study with a hobby, exercise, or even housework (as unappealing as it sounds, it will actually be a welcome change from just sitting at your desk all day)! On top of that, make sure to have a healthy diet and plenty of sleep!


2.     Have your own space

As you’ll be in your room for most of your day, it’s important to make sure that you enjoy being in there. Make sure your desk is not cluttered, you have all the stationery you need at hand, and the setup allows you go maintain good posture. If your neck or eyes are strained, try to find a laptop stand or even a few textbooks to prop it up. Feel free to also redesign your room – maybe do some painting on the walls, or hang up some decorations to personalise it!


3.     Form study groups

Lockdowns can be lonely. Without heading to Uni, it’s hard to maintain your social circle when you don’t see your friends in person. Try to form some study groups together on Zoom, both for a chance to catch up and to pick each others’ brains about concepts you learnt in class. Clarifying concepts with each other and quizzing each other will definitely improve your understanding of class content.


4.     Attend consultations

Just as we don’t get a chance to see friends, we also don’t get a chance to talk with our teachers. This can be a difficult time for many students, who might struggle with concepts but not know who to head to for help. Don’t be afraid to join the virtual consultations that teachers generally hold on Zoom and seek out help whenever you need it. Making the most of these will make a big difference in helping you grasp key concepts. 


Hopefully you took away something useful from that! Stay healthy, stay motivated, and smash your studies!
