Tricks and tools to help you perform better at work

Maybe you’re going for a promotion, experiencing a decline in productivity, or completing your annual evaluation. Every once in a while, we sit down and reflect on how well we are doing at work. Continuing to develop ourselves professionally is an integral part of our career, so this article goes through several tips to help you do exactly that!


Set goals

Establishing goals and objectives gives us a vision to strive towards. In this process, we need to make sure that our goals are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bound). If you have a very large milestone you would like to work towards, consider dividing it up into smaller chunks, and you can stay motivated with each little success or victory.


Be organised

The next step is to stay organised in order to stay on track to achieving your goals. Make a detailed plan of how you intend to work towards your goals and identify which tasks you should prioritise. Learn to delegate ones that are not urgent and complete the most pressing items first.


Stay focused

In the digital era, a multitude of voices are constantly trying to pull us away from our work. Practising deep work could help with staying focused and managing interruptions. Avoid multitasking, no matter how good you think you are at it. According to a study by Stanford researchers, people who do heavy multitasking do not concentrate as well and end up paying a huge mental price.


Build good working relationships

We spend a long time at work each day, so it’s worthwhile to build good rapport with your co-workers. A positive and inclusive working environment is a plus to any job and makes teamwork much more efficient. In addition, don’t just stay within the bubble of your immediate team; establishing positive relationships with people who can help you, such as IT or human resources, could be extremely beneficial.


Ask for feedback

Whether you’re just starting out in your career or are an industry professional, it’s important to keep developing your strengths and working on your weaknesses. A good way to identify both is by asking for feedback. This allows you to address any potential blind spots you may have missed and to build a better professional personality.


Hopefully you find these tips useful in improving your performance at work. Working with more productivity will make you a better employee and put you in a good position to grasp any opportunities that come your way.