What should I do if I don’t like my role?

It’s common to have bad days in the office. But what happens if you start dreading coming to work, and are constantly thinking about quitting? Depending on your circumstances, it’s possible to remedy the damage. Below are some tips to help you out.


Pinpoint the problem

Before delivering that resignation letter, it’s worthwhile to think about the exact issue that’s bothering you at work and try to address it. Do you feel that your skills are unmatched for the role or that you are being overworked? Is it the culture that is bothering you? Are the hours too long or the pay too low? Once you pinpoint the issue, consider having a conversation with your manager. It is entirely possible that they are not aware of your concerns, and is open to making changes.


Build good relationships with your colleagues

You often hear that it’s ‘all about the people’. Indeed, being surrounded by supportive and motivated people make your working life more enjoyable and fun. This fosters a positive and inclusive culture, and can make even the worst job bearable. In this sense, one way to salvage a bad job is to try and build good relationships with your fellow co-workers. Go for coffee catch-ups or grab lunch together to get to know them better.


Upskill or move horizontally

A feeling of stagnation or low productivity are often causes of disliking your role. One way to stay motivated is to learn new skills. Taking advantage of your organisation’s internal learning platforms can help you upskill and impress your superiors, even landing you a promotion. You could also apply to move to another team, changing your immediate work environment and giving yourself a new challenge.


Have a healthy life outside of work

If you are unhappy with your work, definitely try and improve your life outside of it. Perhaps pick up a new hobby or get a new pet. Go on a holiday for a change of scenery or catch up with some old friends. Just as people often carry negative emotions from work back home, being happy in your everyday life will lead to greater positivity that inevitably affects your mindset at work.


All in all, our career is a large part of our lives, so it’s important that we enjoy being at work. If none of the above work, it’s possible to consider moving to another firm or change your career trajectory entirely. Remember to have a plan well in advance, maintain realistic expectations, and take each step with care. Best of luck!