How to host an epic meeting

We’ve all had to do a group assignment, or collaborate with colleagues on a project. This makes meetings a critical component of our professional lives. We might sometimes even be required to host one. You might be thinking, “What should I say?” Or “How should I keep everyone engaged?” This blog covers 5 tips that will help you host an epic meeting!


1. Have a clear agenda

Firstly, define your meeting objective and create an agenda. For example, you might want to start the meeting by checking whether all the deliverables from last time have been met, before listing your main points of discussion for this meeting. Then, create a timeline that covers all those points on the agenda. This will ensure you keep on track and not run over time.


2. Prepare accordingly

Running a successful meeting depends on ample preparation. You might want to ask yourself who you’re meeting with or the number of attendees, as meeting with the CEO versus your colleagues entails varying levels of formality. Where you’re meeting can also determine how you want to structure the meeting. If you’re meeting over lunch, try and keep it casual and short. If you’re meeting virtually or through a hybrid format, make sure to set up your IT early to make sure your camera and microphone work, and to avoid any last minute software updates or connection issues.


3. Assign meeting roles

Before the meeting starts, it’s also important to outline the different roles that attendees in your meeting will play, and make sure they all know their roles. For example, it helps to assign a notetaker so that important points from the meeting are jotted down and there is a point of reference after the meeting.


4. Respect everyone’s input

In a meeting, everyone should be allowed a chance to speak and share their input. A meeting where you are the sole person talking for 30 minutes can easily get tedious, both for the attendees and yourself. Give others the time to speak and share their voice, and listen actively whenever someone else is talking.


5. Make time for questions

A great meeting includes time for questions. This encourages greater attendee engagement and participation, ensures that no one leaves the meeting confused, and can also lead to new perspectives or insights. If some questions don’t get answered, make sure to write it down and either follow up afterwards or address it in the next meeting.


Hopefully we have provided you with some useful tips to running successful meetings! By taking these on board, you will become more confident and prepared, and will be hosting epic meetings in no time!