5 books to read over the Christmas Break

5 books to read over the Christmas Break

The Christmas break is a great time to relax, recharge, and refocus. One way to do this is by reading books that can help you develop a positive mindset and cultivate a sense of well-being. Here are some good mindset books to consider reading over the Christmas break:

How do you find a job and stand out from the crowd in the current economy?

How do you find a job and stand out from the crowd in the current economy?

In a tough economic climate, it can be especially challenging to find a job. With many people looking for work, it's important to make your CV stand out in order to increase your chances of getting noticed by potential employers. Here are some tips on how to make your CV stand out during a recession:

How do you handle working with someone who has a different working style to you?

How do you handle working with someone who has a different working style to you?

Working with someone who has a different working style can be challenging, but it can also be a valuable opportunity for growth and learning. It is important to remember that everyone has their own unique way of approaching tasks and problem solving, and that diversity in working styles can bring a range of perspectives and ideas to the table. Here are some ways to navigate working with someone who has a different style:

Why you should set goals for a productive 2023!

Why you should set goals for a productive 2023!

Setting goals is an important step in personal and professional development, as it helps to guide our actions and focus our efforts towards achieving specific objectives. But if you're new to goal setting, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. In this blog post, we'll explore different frameworks for setting goals, as well as the reasons why goal setting is important and some motivations to encourage you to get started.

Tricks and tools to help you perform better at work

Maybe you’re going for a promotion, experiencing a decline in productivity, or completing your annual evaluation. Every once in a while, we sit down and reflect on how well we are doing at work. Continuing to develop ourselves professionally is an integral part of our career, so this article goes through several tips to help you do exactly that!

What should I do if I don’t like my role?

It’s common to have bad days in the office. But what happens if you start dreading coming to work, and are constantly thinking about quitting? Depending on your circumstances, it’s possible to remedy the damage. Below are some tips to help you out.

How to host an epic meeting

We’ve all had to do a group assignment, or collaborate with colleagues on a project. This makes meetings a critical component of our professional lives. We might sometimes even be required to host one. You might be thinking, “What should I say?” Or “How should I keep everyone engaged?” This blog covers 5 tips that will help you host an epic meeting!

How should I choose which area to work in?

Your friends might be telling you to choose one career path, your parents another, your teachers yet another. With all the different opportunities that exist out there, how should you pick which area to work in? Today, we’ll go over 4 tips that help you reflect on yourself and narrow down a point of focus for you to launch your career.

Banishing the post-holiday blues

You say goodbye to the sunny beaches and summery breeze. You head back into the neat, air-conditioned office, only to be hit by a bout of stress and anxiety. Why is it so hard to return to work after a nice holiday? This blog goes through what is post-holiday syndrome and shares 4 tips to banish it.

Bear vs bull market

Have you heard of the terms “bullish” or “bearish” before? Have you wondered what does animals have to do with finance? This article goes through an overview of these terms and what they mean for you!